Spotting Neuropathy Symptoms: A Guide to Early Detection - ChiroCare Therapy

Spotting Neuropathy Symptoms: A Guide to Early Detection

Do You Have One or More of These Neuropathy Symptoms?

Neuropathy, or peripheral neuropathy, is another term for nerve damage. The reason it’s called peripheral neuropathy is because it affects the sensation and function of peripheral nerves — the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. These nerves communicate with your brain via the spinal cord.

Diabetes is the most common cause of neuropathy. If you have diabetes, keeping your blood sugar in check helps avoid or minimize neuropathy symptoms.

If you don’t have diabetes, you might acquire neuropathy from a nutrient deficiency, alcoholism, an autoimmune disease, or exposure to a toxin. Whatever the case, board-certified chiropractor Steven Gentry, DC, and plastic surgeon Jay Amin, MD, can diagnose and treat your condition with advanced integrative care at ChiroCare Therapy in Rancho Santa Margarita, California.

The symptoms depend on the affected nerves. Although there are over 100 types of peripheral neuropathy, all symptoms typical of neuropathy belong to three distinct categories, which we’ll cover in this blog:

1. Motor nerve symptoms

Your motor nerves communicate with your muscles, allowing you to move them. Motor signals travel from your brain to these nerves in an instant.

When peripheral neuropathy damages motor nerves, the symptoms involve trouble moving various parts of your body. You might experience muscle weakness on one hand or muscle spasms on the other. Some additional examples of motor nerve symptoms are:

  • Foot drop
  • Muscle cramps
  • Spasms
  • Hand weakness
  • Muscle atrophy (shrinking)

The hands and feet are most often affected by motor peripheral neuropathy, though you might also experience them in your arms and legs.

2. Sensory nerve symptoms

Sensory nerves pick up on the touch sensation and other external signals like temperature and pain. They convey the information from these outside sensations to your brain, which processes them. Unfortunately, peripheral neuropathy can interfere with this communication, leading to sensory nerve symptoms such as:

  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Poor balance
  • Lower pain threshold
  • Spontaneous pain signals (neuropathic pain)

3. Autonomic symptoms

Autonomic processes inside your body are the functions that happen regardless of your thoughts and intentions. Think heartbeat, breathing, and digestion. When neuropathy damages the autonomic nerves responsible for these processes, they can experience disruptions. 

Like other neuropathy symptoms, autonomic symptoms can vary in intensity and worsen with time. Symptoms can include:

  • Bladder problems (e.g., incontinence)
  • Bowel problems (e.g., constipation or diarrhea)
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Skin color changes
  • Blurry vision
  • Blood pressure changes

The ChiroCare Therapy team monitors these symptoms and can provide treatment when necessary. 

Contact our office for individualized care

Treatments for neuropathy vary, and our experts create an integrative and holistic care plan that aligns with your needs. Nonsurgical treatments like orthobiologics, ultrasound therapy, cold laser therapy, and spinal traction are some options. 

Call ChiroCare Therapy or use our convenient online scheduling feature to request a consultation visit today.

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